Monopoly rules that I would like to see introduced
Every time you pass GO, you get $200 and you have drink 2 shots of Old Granddad.
To get out of jail, you have to pay $50 or remove one article of clothing.
Anyone who owns more than two railroads has to make a VERY loud "Chugga-chugga-chugga" sound everytime they move their game piece.
Throw the dice off the board -- instantly lose all of your money.
If you land on Marvin Gardens more than three times in the game, the next day you have to go to Target, buy three geraniums, and name give them all names that rhyme with Marvin.
If you can't afford the rent of the property you land on -- owner had the option of giving you one free wet-finger smack on the forearm for every $10 that you can't pay.
Anyone who vountarily chooses to be the thimble.... well they're just an idiot.
Anyone admitting to buy a property because the "color is pretty" loses 12 turns in a row.
$50 extra dollars for each trip past go if you use one of your own boogers as a game piece .... $75 extra if you use one your own scabs.
Monopoly Anyone...?