Thursday, September 22, 2005

From the road

Hullo. I am writing this from my Apple Powerbook as I scale Mt. Everest. I just wanted to let all of my many, MANY blogger fans know that next week I will be back to blogging with a vengeance. I have had an interesting year and have many stories to tell. And, of course, I will be sharing many pictures of my adorable felted butt with you all. So please tune in next week (or possibly the week after, depending upon if Gruntley and Bunny get their lazy asses in gear and hook up their computer at their new place). Did I tell you that Gruntley and Bunny bought a new house and that they have decided to live in the garage so that I can have ALL of the indoor rooms to myself? Oh, and that MaryMoo girl is going to be living around the corner so I am going to go over there EVERY DAY since Bunny doesn't make me very good food and I know that MaryMoo will definitely make me meals all the time. She's nice that way. I don't think she'll get annoyed with me if I and all of my 42 (or sometimes 43) brothers and sisters hang out at her place every day, do you? Although that Sean guy might try to prosecute me or something. (Ooooo, big scary prosecutor. Just try and get a judge to throw the book at a cute lil' blue monster like me. Just try it, Irish boy.) So please check my blog regularly (I know that all of you check it every single day, waiting for me with bated breath), for the Adventures of Grover in 2005.

5 small hints of what I did this year:

Carly and squirrels
and grass clippings