Saturday, May 14, 2005

Fantastic band names

Shortly after my good buddy Brain (aka Brian, aka Wubba . . . featured in my stupendouse slideshow) moved back to Chicago, he started a band. This band has a pretty cool name, Eutychus Falling. However, one day, Brian wrote me with the news that he was considering changing the name of the band and was wondering if I had any brilliant ideas. Needless to say, I did. Here was my response.

generally unaware
monopod visits
chugging butterflies
onan's birdhouse OR onan's estuary (the man who God killed for spilling his "seed")
For Micah
biblical hobbits
the speed skating tapeworms
staring kangaroos
nebuchadnezzar mood
flamingo rodeo
skinny eglon (from the book of Judges)
sword of ehud
gnat baggage
esau's razor
looking for urchins
sloppy minus
bears for breakfast
elijah's horseshoes (referring to the last thing that elisha saw as elijah ascended to heaven on a chariot of fire)
gossimer canons
sapphire harlot
alternative gnus
the mists of antiquity
granite juice
thimble of wrath
early marmuts
transparent yolk
lazarus, get back in there
elisha and the bears
something salty
under the cheese
nebulous concept
riding albino dragons
scattered parts
dressing on the side
4 1/2 skins
complicated chickens
out of the whirlwind
abraham's anus
tinfoil horn
extra mayonnaise
chutes & ladders
perfect temperature
tiny baby ducks
sideways koolaid
missing picks
pickle meringue
the first 64 books of the bible
just a little drool
peanut butter and peanuts and butter
pixie stix
norman at home
under the fridge
shouldn't be chunky
fishers of monsters
the blue m&ms
not enough crunchy
pillar of cheese
zoo sticks
weathered ham
searching for gomer
settle for leah
marshmallow thunder
locusts for breakfast


At Sunday, May 15, 2005 9:33:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's funny--I really want to be a sapphire harlot when I grow up...

My favorites:
-esau's razor
-lazarus, get back in there
-peanut butter and peanuts and butter
-settle for leah

I would enjoy "the tan m&ms" a bit more. I miss the tan ones. The blue ones are a joke.

At Wednesday, May 18, 2005 8:31:00 PM, Blogger Mary said...

I miss the tan ones, too! Only I called them beige. They were so perfectly beigey-tan and good. When you poured the candy in your hand the colors were all warm and pleasing. The blue ones are all fakey and cold-looking and yucky. Boo, blue.

Btw, they now have "dark" M&Ms. This could get scary for me... (I only like dark chocolate, really).

Grover, my personal favorite from your list is "dressing on the side". Then I could order one of their t-shirts and wear it when I go out to eat and not have say it to the person taking my order. How cool would that be. Plus, your friend's band should write songs about green healthy stuff. They could write a song for me about why you shouldn't suck on avocado pits. :)

At Wednesday, May 18, 2005 9:31:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO at your "dressing on the side" t-shirt. Good idea, dearest.

As you probably already know, I am also a huge dark chocolate fan. I should not even try the dark m&ms...they will become a drug for me, I'm sure.

At Thursday, May 19, 2005 12:33:00 AM, Blogger Brent said...

All of you "beige/tan" people are clearly jealous of my phenomenal blue pigment and are taking it out on some innocent M&Ms. Not only are the BLUE M&Ms CLEARLY superior to all the other colors, blue things in general are of a higher caliber than beige-colored crap. There are many more beautiful shades of blue than yucky beige. For example:

royal blue
sky blue
midnight blue
azure blue
turquoise blue
Caribbean blue
Blue-Raspberry Sno-Cone blue
royal blue (I listed it twice because it's so tremendous)

By contrast, consider the following shades of beige/tan:

puke beige
snot beige
bile beige
crap beige
cadaver beige

You get the idea.

Furthermore, I cannot believe how species-insensitive you two were in your posts. Have you forgotten what a beautiful, majestic shade of blue I am?? Please apologize because you hurt my feelings. Sniff, sniff.

Lil' G

At Thursday, May 19, 2005 11:20:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thank you for opening my eyes to how species-insensitive I was in my post. I am truly sorry. Will you forgive me?

PS: I think Crayola should adapt all of the beige/tan names that you listed.

At Thursday, May 19, 2005 1:36:00 PM, Blogger Mary said...

Kiss my beige *ss, Grover!


At Thursday, May 19, 2005 2:21:00 PM, Blogger Shari said...

Carly, PLEASE don't apologize to Grover or you will create a monster! Oh wait, too late. You can't apologize to Grover because he's way too cocky as it is, and when you apologize, you make him think he's right. Which he's not.

MaryMoo, keep giving the little blue hairball hell . . . LMAO at your comments to him. THAT'S what he needs.

Picture this . . . Brent took out a white rag the other night and cleaned Grover with some dishsoap and hot water. Grover yelled and cursed the whole time ("Gruntley, Ow, that hurts" etc). Does this mean my husband's crazy? Oh, and the funny part was that his feet were the dirtiest part of his blue lil' body. Kind of like he walks around a lot when we're not here. Creepy. ;-)

At Thursday, May 19, 2005 5:15:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the pointer, Shari! ♥

At Thursday, May 19, 2005 7:24:00 PM, Blogger Brent said...


I can tell you why you shouldn't suck on avocado pits. They taste like avocados. Avocados SUCK. They kind of taste like vegetables. And we all know how heinous vegetables taste.

Pass the Twinkies.

Lil' G

At Thursday, May 19, 2005 7:26:00 PM, Blogger Brent said...

Dear CarlyCue,

I accept your apology. But I do want to ask . . . what's with the freaky dancing dude in your picture? What happened to Angelina? She was much nicer to look at and she didn't appear as though she was having a seizure. Can we get her back please?


At Thursday, May 19, 2005 7:29:00 PM, Blogger Brent said...

Dear MaryMoo,

Maybe I am taking you wrong, but "kiss my beige ass" does not sound like an apology. Am I mistaken?

Assuming that I am not (never have been yet), you are hereby banned from my blog until said apology is forthcoming.

Also, don't really care what color your butt is. Please keep that kind of information to yourself. By the way, mine is royal blue.

Lil' G

At Thursday, May 19, 2005 9:34:00 PM, Blogger word. said...

Royal blue?? More like FADED blue!!!

At Friday, May 20, 2005 10:09:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The freaky dude in my pic was the one and only Napoleon Dynamite! Grover, you need to see that movie if you haven't already. I'm quite sure you'll love it.

As you can see, Angelina is back by popular demand. I think I missed her just as much as you and Sean did.


At Friday, May 20, 2005 5:31:00 PM, Blogger Mary said...

Ban this! LOL

Aww, Grover, I love your fuzzy blue self. But I'm not taking back my love for beigey M&Ms over the blue ones. So just deal.

That's as close as you're going to get to any kind of "apology". Take it or leave it. ;)

At Friday, May 20, 2005 7:13:00 PM, Blogger Brent said...

Dearest MaryMoo,

Thank you for coming to your senses and acknowledging the error of your ways. You are now permitted to post on my blog again.

Of course, as far as the M&M thing goes, I'm sure you would like it if they had asparagus or cauliflower flavored M&Ms, or something like that. Perhaps you like the beige ones 'cause they resemble dirt. The same flavor found in the aforementioned veggies.

Anyway, I'm glad that you have come to realize that blue M&Ms are in fact, the best ever. Perhaps you and I can picket the Mars company together to start packaging "all blues." You can paint the signs.

Lil' G

At Friday, May 20, 2005 7:17:00 PM, Blogger Brent said...

Dear CarlyCue,

No I have not seen Napoleon Dynamite yet. But then again, I'm not really into French history, so I may pass on this one. Besides, who wants to watch a short dude in a funny hat blowing things up. This is what the movie is about, correct?

Also, good to see the Angelina pic back. Please never ever ever ever take it down again. Or else, I may fuss and complain a little bit.

Lil' G

At Tuesday, May 24, 2005 10:02:00 AM, Blogger Bekah said...

Blue is great for lots of things, sky, grovers, and windex (which I love because it makes things shiney and clean. But as for MM's tan tasted the best. And for the dark chocolcate lovers out there, the Come to the Dark side, you will love it.


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